All of our hardwood timber is sourced from the UK, and typically stored in the yard for a minimum of 12 months. It has then been processed into logs and further stored in an open and airy shed before being delivered.
Predominantly our hardwood consists of Beech, Sycamore, Birch, and some Ash, which is seasonally dried, and logs are cut to between 9 to 10 inches or 230 to 260 mm.
Loose logs are delivered on a trailer and are the most economical way to purchase our logs. These logs have not been over the cleaner so do contain smaller logs and shards of bark and chip which can make excellent kindling. Please be aware that these smaller bits can get in amongst gravel surfaces so it is best to place a tarpaulin down to tip onto.
Our bulk logs are perfect for customers who have space to store logs before use. Please note these logs are not ready to burn as they are over 2m3 in volume.